Easy1Up Review || What is easy1up || easy1up program
Easy1Up is all about empowering entrepreneurs how to
1up their competition. Easy1Up is a Multi level Marketing and Educational
Company through which we can earn money. Easy1Up have created five training
courses (products of Easy1Up) for you. These courses will teach you everything
related to online marketing and networking that you need in online marketing
Mr. Peter Wolfing is the founder of Easy1Up Company.
If you buy any of these courses you will learn how
to make money online. It is complete online marketing training center and bit
different than affiliate marketing.
As you all know that to work as affiliate marketer
you do not need to buy the product to earn money. You can simply sing up with
any affiliate program (like amazon, alibaba, etc) you want and promote the
product. You can simply earn commission every time you make a sell in affiliate
But, I stated earlier that Easy1Up is like a MLM
(Multi Level marketing), you must buy the product if you want to promote
easy1up product. If someone joins from your down line you can earn 100%
Compensation Plan:
Easy1Up have five products ($25, $100, $250, $500,
$1000). If you buy a higher product package, all the lower ones are included
free for you. You don’t have to buy every product separately when you buy the
higher product. If you buy the product which cost $1000, you can sell all other
products but when you buy $25 product, you can sell only $25 product. So,
higher the purchase higher will be the income.
It is one time purchase. You need to buy the product
for Easy1Up for one time and sell it as much as you can.
You will be paid 100% commission for every sell you
make except the second sell. You have to give your second sell and person to
your sponsor. It means you can keep first direct sell with you and second sell
goes to your sponsor (the person who referred you). In the same way your
referrals will have to give you their second sell and person.